5 products that will help you stay slim after 60!

5 products that will help you stay slim after 60!

Passing 60 is far from a disease, but it does make us feel a little less fit, health problems become more widespread and, what’s more, we tend to gain weight. What if there were products that could combat the harmful effects of aging? Well, yes ! Find out here the secrets to staying lean and in great shape after 60 with 5 foods to prioritize.

No. 1. Fiber to keep fit!

How does fiber help you stay lean?

Fiber is the secret food for maintaining a slim figure after 60, because it allows you to:

  • Feeling full;
  • Decreased calorie absorption;
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels to combat food cravings;
  • Proper functioning of the digestive system and intestinal transit, which eliminates bloating and bloating.

What foods contain fiber?

They are mainly found in plant foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

No. 2. Omega-3 for health!

Numerous benefits against diseases

Omega-3 fatty acids have many widespread benefits:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease;
  • Joint health thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Eye health to combat age-related macular degeneration;
  • Brain health and cognitive function.

Where to find omega-3?

Omega-3 rich foods mainly include marine and plant sources such as fatty fish, fish oil, flax and chia seeds or nuts.

No. 3. Vitamin C is the secret of eternal youth!

Healthy skin and muscles

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, helping to fight aging of the skin and cells. Vitamin C promotes collagen production and helps maintain healthy, youthful, elastic skin, and improves muscle recovery after exercise. Finally, it strengthens the immune system, which can weaken over the years.

What to eat to get vitamin C treatment?

Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables: citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, papaya, mango, pineapple, peppers and broccoli.

No. 4. Calcium for healthy bones!

Bone health is important after 60

After age 60, the need for calcium increases as bones lose density and strength, becoming brittle and porous, this is what we call osteoporosis. As a result, the risk of injury increases, and the slightest fall can have serious consequences.

Is calcium only found in dairy products?

Of course, dairy products are a major source of calcium, so feel free to stock up on milk, yogurt, and cheese. But it also occurs in:

  • Canned sardines;
  • Leafy green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cabbage);
  • Almonds and sesame;
  • Tofu.

No. 5. Iron to stay strong like Popeye!

Iron for strength and energy

This is not a myth; iron helps maintain not only muscle strength, but also energy. It makes us feel strong and tireless. These are not its only benefits, as it also helps prevent anemia, support the immune system and preserve cognitive functions (memory, concentration, etc.).

Iron is in spinach, but not only that!

Yes, to stay strong like Popeye, you need to eat spinach! But in fact, there are many products that allow you to stock up on iron. Carnivores will be happy, as red meat (beef and lamb), organ meats (liver, kidney and heart) and even poultry (chicken and turkey) are excellent sources of iron. However, if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, certain types of fish, such as tuna and salmon, legumes and pumpkin seeds, are rich in iron.

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