Poor childhood vaccination coverage in Canada

Poor childhood vaccination coverage in Canada

Natasha Sarah Crowcroft attributes this decline between the ages of 2 and 7 to social restrictions. “When you’re on maternity leave, you have time to make an appointment and go. But with the more recent vaccines, working parents are having more difficulty.”

When a baby doesn’t get their usual doses, they are often replenished by the time they go to school. “Then it may already be too late, because in the meantime the risk of contracting measles is quite high,” the expert warns.

From one province to another, different rules

In Manitoba, New Brunswick and Ontario, vaccinations are required for school entry unless families have an exception for medical, philosophical or religious reasons.

In contrast, Alberta or Prince Edward Island have no vaccination mandate.

Vaccination campaigns are also not conducted in the same way. In Alberta they are made in schools. In Ontario, students are also being vaccinated at private doctors’ offices and public clinics.

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