Washington is seeking explanations about the real intentions of the regime

Washington is seeking explanations about the real intentions of the regime

Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf received a phone call from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday, March 25.

The complete content of this telephone exchange does not correspond at all to what was officially published in the press release officially distributed by the Algerian diplomacy through the official Algerian news agency APS.

Indeed, the “Maghreb intelligence” site reports citing several confirming diplomatic sources, this telephone interview did not only revolve around the topic of “the latest developments regarding the situation in Gaza”, as claimed in a press release by the Algerian diplomacy, which is content to publish only exchanges between Blinken and Attaf that focused only on negotiations within the Security Council on a draft resolution presented by the ten elected members of the UN “E-10” body to promote a cease-fire in Gaza.

According to the same sources, Anthony Blinken also did not hesitate to discuss with Ahmed Attaf the delicate issue of the early presidential elections on September 7, which were called by the Algerian Presidency on March 21.

The high-ranking American official asked questions addressed to his Algerian interlocutor regarding the development of the political situation in Algeria and its impact on regional stability.

The same sources assure that Blinken actually took steps with Ahmed Attaf to get clarification on the true intentions of the Algerian regime that surprised international public opinion by calling early presidential elections without giving the slightest explanation to its own population.

On the other hand, the same sources add, officials of the American ambassador in Algeria made numerous contacts with Algerian figures or official interlocutors of the Algerian government in order to try to get detailed information about Abdelmadjid’s surprising decision. elections less than 4 months before the end of his presidential term.

According to the same sources, American diplomats were very intrigued by the composition of this council “which was convened by the Algerian president before publicly announcing the decision to organize early presidential elections.” A council that brought together the head of the army with the presidents of the constitutional council, the parliament and the Algerian senate.

A council that many knowledgeable observers of Algerian news do not hesitate to describe as a “war council” that could declare a state of emergency in the country in anticipation of a potential war on the country’s borders. A nightmare scenario haunting American diplomats who have been heavily mobilized since 2023 to dissuade Algerian leaders from showing even the slightest belligerent inclination towards certain neighboring countries with which Algeria has been terribly at loggerheads in recent years.

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