what will change with the end of the sticker on the windshield on April 1

what will change with the end of the sticker on the windshield on April 1

The insurance sticker that you place on the windshield of your car will disappear on April 1, 2024. Policyholders will receive a memo to keep.

From April 1, 2024, the green card and car insurance sticker will be replaced by a memo from insurers.

The first goal of this reform is to simplify the lives of policyholders. There is no longer a need to replace the little green paper butterfly that you place on the windshield of your car every year. The insurance contract is recorded directly in the insured vehicle file, a large database that brings together all the important information about your car and your contract. It is this file that the police will consult directly during an inspection.

Second objective: reduce the costs associated with the production and shipping of green stickers. The result is a saving of 60 million euros per year, or the cost of sending 50 million stickers, and 1,200 tons less CO2 in the atmosphere. Third objective: fight against false insurance fraud.

Note the memo

But that doesn’t mean the driver has nothing left to do. First of all, it is always mandatory to insure your vehicle and to take out at least public liability insurance. When you conclude the contract you will receive the ‘insured vehicle memo’. The insurance company will send it to you in one copy, valid for the entire duration of your contract, with all the information.

During the 15 days following the commencement date of your contract, this paper will be used to justify registration for an insurance contract. Finally, he ensures that the information is always up to date…

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