What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

It is necessary to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They have different origins and affect different population groups. Here are our explanations.

Editorial Allo Doctors


What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? —
Health Magazine – France 5

Do you know the different types of diabetes? There are two. And their origins are different.

Type 1 diabetes is actually an autoimmune disease. The pancreas must produce insulin, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar, or blood sugar levels. But in type 1 diabetics, antibodies attack pancreatic cells and destroy insulin. This diabetes occurs in young people.

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Type 2 diabetes is associated with lifestyle

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas functions. But due to excess weight, fat and diet, sugar levels are less regulated. The insulin produced by the pancreas is of lower quality and requires much more to achieve the same effect.

Consequence: over time, the pancreas becomes depleted, sugar levels rise, and we become type 2 diabetics. This type of diabetes appears later. But in recent years, it is still being diagnosed in younger and younger people.

How to treat diabetes?

According to the health insurance website Ameli.fr, treatment for type 1 diabetes aims to control blood sugar levels and is based on the administration of insulin. “It is established by a diabetes specialist in consultation with the attending physician or pediatrician, who also monitors it.”

For type 2 diabetes, treatment always starts with a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity and a more balanced diet. If it is not enough, the doctor resorts to drug treatment.

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