An eventful arrival at the stadium for Parisian supporters and intrusive searches

An eventful arrival at the stadium for Parisian supporters and intrusive searches

Invectives, insults, bottle throwing. The evening for Parisian supporters present in Barcelona did not start off well. A fight took place in the city a few hours before the meeting. And the arrival at the Montjuic stadium of the procession of Parisian ultras, departing from Place d’Espagne under police escort, constituted the peak of pre-match excitement.

Both sides crossed paths and threw various objects. The Spanish police, not known for their tenderness, targeted and liberally handed out baton blows to Parisian supporters deemed too close to Barcelona residents. A young woman was in tears after the police charge. Other Parisian supporters bemoaned a search that was deemed too intrusive. Three Parisians were arrested by Spanish sources, including one for attacking a police officer.

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