Pornography and sexual satisfaction: between risks and benefits

Pornography and sexual satisfaction: between risks and benefits

The type of pornographic content that young people consume sometimes has positive and sometimes negative repercussions on their sexual satisfaction.

In a new study, Beata Botti, a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Montreal, and her colleagues looked at the effects on sexuality of five pornographic contents: group sexuality, passion and romance, heterosexuality, and taboo violation. Forbidden sex, as well as power, control and brutal sex.

The team noted that among young people aged 17 to 30, consumption of pornography of the emotional and romantic genre would be associated with greater sexual satisfaction, while use of pornography where power, control, and violent sex were represented would be associated with lower levels of sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction.

For Beata Botti, since the scenarios are more “realistic”, young people who consume them can see them as inspiration for their own sexuality. In the first case, these scenarios offer a pleasant atmosphere, caring exchanges and good communication between partners, “and also elicit more positive emotions in general.”

On the other hand, brutal texts are less morally acceptable and achievable in real life, says the professor. “Not having the opportunity to implement these scenarios in life can hinder individuals’ sexual desire, because their sexual activities will not conform to their idea of ​​what is sexually pleasurable and exciting. She suggests that people who consume them may also feel inconsistent between this consumption and their values.

A “pornographic culture” is developing

Beata Booth

Beata Bothy

Image credit: Amelie Philibert, University of Montreal

In another longitudinal study conducted among adolescents in Quebec, Beata Botti found that 60 to 65 percent of youth consumed at least one form of pornography before the age of 14.

In his view, this new data regarding pornographic content and its impact on sexuality supports the importance of educating young people about the use of pornography and its potential harms and benefits.

Knowing that certain content may be harmful, the researcher adds that awareness must also be raised among content producers. She believes, “As a society, we should think about the creation of pornographic content and think about reducing the production of these unethical materials that harm the sexual health of consumers.”

The professor also says that future research in this area should include different types of pornographic content in order to capture the complexity of the connections between pornography consumption and sex.

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