What’s the point of eating fiber-rich foods?

What’s the point of eating fiber-rich foods?

They provide many health benefits, but not everyone tolerates them well in large quantities.

In the large family of carbohydrates, we need dietary fiber. Undigested fiber in the small intestine is found almost intact in the colon, where it is then fermented by microorganisms in our microbiota.

So what are their benefits for our diet and our health?

The benefits of fiber in our diet

Fiber is a kind of skeleton of plant foods, its “matrix”, it is “essential for our overall health.”

1. Fiber plays a protective role in the intestinal barrier. “Their fermentation by intestinal bacteria will produce substances that are beneficial to our health,” says the professional. As is the case with short-chain fatty acids, which, among other things, help protect us from chronic inflammation.

2. Fiber helps prevent cardiovascular disease. They help “maintain stable blood sugar levels” or even lower cholesterol levels.

3. Fiber helps fight constipation.. “They are allies of normal transit.” The nutritionist also advises eating 30 g per day.

Fiber in your diet

The best sources are fruits and vegetables, whole grains (pasta or whole grain rice, whole wheat flour, etc.) or naturally rich in fiber (oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, etc.), seeds (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, seeds chia). , flax…), dried vegetables (lentils, chickpeas, dried beans…) and the best of all… cocoa.

“Also interesting is resistant starch, a type of starch that doesn’t break down into sugar and is a real treat for our microbiota.” It can be found in dried vegetables, green bananas, potatoes, or cooked and cooled pasta.

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