All the benefits of spinach, this undeservedly unloved vegetable

All the benefits of spinach, this undeservedly unloved vegetable

The benefits of spinach have long been associated with physical strength, most notably thanks to the fictional character Popeye, a sailor with large biceps who had a habit of swallowing a can of spinach before battle to gain superhuman strength. It is true that this plant contains a high concentration of iron, which is necessary to carry oxygen into the blood. The plant is also primarily composed of vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin K (and vitamin C in lower doses), which significantly promote the absorption of iron in the body. Eating 200 grams of spinach per day satisfies approximately 40% of your daily iron requirement. However, spinach is not a magic potion, despite its many benefits.

What are the benefits of spinach?

This unappetizing looking plant has many health benefits. According to the Fruit and Vegetable Research and Information Agency (Aprifel), spinach is rich in folic acid (or vitamin B9), which, among other things, contributes to the production of genetic material. More precisely, red blood cells, and hence the formation of blood. This acid also helps fight depression and brain aging.

Spinach also has anti-asthmatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Despite their low calorie content, they improve the functioning of the digestive system and promote a feeling of fullness: ideal for people who want to lose weight. Not forgetting that the plant is a source of vitamin K, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, which are very beneficial for bones.

Is spinach good for the liver?

Finally, spinach has a high concentration of betaine, an important molecule for a healthy liver. This plant can be recommended to people suffering from digestive disorders. It cleanses the liver by promoting bile secretion. In some cases, spinach is recommended for people suffering from alcoholism.

Can you eat spinach every day?

Spinach is the liver’s best ally and also preserves vision and improves overall health. Therefore, its daily consumption is only beneficial for health, unless the consumer is undergoing anticoagulant treatment or suffers from kidney stones (due to vitamin K, which increases blood clotting). Obviously, you should eat a healthy and balanced diet and never eat excessive amounts of foods.

They are easy to cook in a frying pan with a little oil or in a salad. The possibilities are many: you can also make quiches so you don’t end up getting bored. However, as Harvard research shows, spinach has even more benefits when it’s fresh because all of its vitamins are retained. According to the magazine dated March 30, 2019. Food chemistry, To get the maximum amount of lutein, note that they are best eaten raw and ground, rather than cooked.

Spinach is also good for eyesight

Spinach is one of the best sources of the antioxidant lutein, which allows the eyes to better absorb light and protects the retina from oxidative stress. In other words, spinach can promote good vision. Other studies show the benefits of spinach in terms of fiber intake, weight management, and cancer control. Dear readers, feel free to include spinach in all its forms in your diet, using common sense and moderation, of course.

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