Self-massage and acupressure: effective solutions against stress

Self-massage and acupressure: effective solutions against stress

Massage, such as California massage, is especially effective in soothing muscles that are tense from stress. But if you don’t have the time or budget to book a spa appointment, you can take matters into your own hands.

Easy to put into practice by carefully following the instructions provided, self-massage often has a particularly calming effect and allows you to cope with stress without delay. ABOUT Acupressureit can complement negative thoughts.

Get back to feeling good with self-massage

To release the organs and in particular the diaphragm, which is often blocked during periods of stress, it is easy to practice breathing self-massage which will open the chest to restore balance to the respiratory system and give space to the digestive system to avoid transit blockages causing constipation.

How to practice breathing self-massage?

Drink some warm water, then lie down comfortably with your legs slightly bent and a pillow under your knees. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose without straining. Then inhale deeply for 4–8 seconds before releasing the air slowly through your mouth, exhaling lightly between your lips for 10–30 seconds. Place your hands on your stomach. As you inhale, feel it expand, and as you exhale, feel it relax. At first, in this breathing game, only the chest and chest are mobilized, but gradually the breathing will spread to the abdominal area, “self-massaging” it in depth and reduce stress. Take a series of three breaths to take a few minutes of rest when your nerves are on edge and your head is full.

How to quickly relieve stress before bed

While lying comfortably in bed, warm your hands by rubbing your palms together for a few seconds. Place your hands on your face on either side of your nose and close your eyes. Your hands should cover your eyes and your fingertips should touch your forehead. Leave your mouth open and breathe slowly. Stay like this for ten seconds to relax tense facial features, relieve tension in the jaw, smooth out the forehead, etc., in other words. release consciously all the muscles of the face.

Acupressure to restore breathing

When stress stops breathing, one method is to stimulate the point Acupressure called the “Governing Vessel” (VG 26 for initiates), a major energy center. It is located just below the tip of the nose, between the base of the nose and the upper lip, just above the small “V” that outlines the top of the lip.

How to do it ?

Support firm pressure hold it with your index finger for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, breathing calmly, then release. This will restore your heart rate and breathing after severe stress which compresses the chest, causing cramps and/or heat stroke.

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