When CMP and General Medicine Join Forces…

When CMP and General Medicine Join Forces…

At the CMP Clinic in Bron, an unprecedented collaboration with the General Medicine Center simplifies the access of “psychological” patients to quality physical care.

The Center Medico-Psychologie Bron (CMP) (CH Le Vinatier) shares its premises with a general medical center: the Center for Public and Planetary Health (CSCP), known as Le Jardin. Both structures cooperate in the form of an integrated system to facilitate access to care for vulnerable people and optimize exchanges between professionals. In relation to CMP, the driving forces behind this initiative were the lack of physical care among people with chronic mental illness (CHI) and the difficulty of finding referring GPs.

Built on an associational model, Le Jardin is based on public health principles and focuses on health inequalities and user engagement in health care. The team includes GPs, paramedics, a health liaison, nurse Asali (a specialist in therapeutic patient education and support for chronically ill people) and two project coordinators.

In practice, CMP/CSCP cooperation takes different forms: addressing protocols; multiprofessional clinical meetings; joint care of patients with psychiatric illnesses requiring somatic care and patients in somatic health centers requiring consultation with a psychiatrist; think tanks on co-hosting, mental illness destigmatization and inclusion; joint psychotherapy groups (depression, sleep, nutritional hygiene, physical activity, etc.); education; informal exchanges in shared spaces…

“Staying in the same place breaks down resistance to somatic care! It’s as if the therapeutic alliance was handed over to our colleagues…”

“Clinical benefits are difficult to ‘objectify’ as they do not necessarily fit into our ‘mental’ scoring grids, but we are working to identify success factors to advance this project. clarifies Anita Haik, psychiatrist in charge of the CMP. For our part, we see the numerous benefits of this cooperation every day! Well-known patients of the CMP, for whom we have repeatedly tried to provide somatic help, “as if by magic” agree to make an appointment with our colleagues and participate in real observation. Our shared values ​​create trust and give hope to people who are often marginalized and excluded from common law structures.” Please note that this initiative received funding from the Fondation de France as part of the project competition “Mental illness: access to health care and social life”.

Contact: A. Haik, Anita.HAIK@ch-le-vinatier.fr

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