Zachariah Springer has moved into the under 10k category!

Zachariah Springer has moved into the under 10k category!

Zechariah Springer He has always been into rap music. Today, his pen is super functional and still influential. In 2019, he released his first EP, Afimsafi, his first EP. Between 2020 and 2022, he released two projects, On the road And On the second road, All of this culminated in the release of a very beautiful album exile. He is a very authentic and very humble rapper, who always strives to transcribe the stories of his people in his songs. He pays them a lot of respect. Since October, he has released a series of songs cut between Morocco and Ile-de-France: on the moon, Traces in the sand, The stars bear your names And Maria Callas. He is live this Friday performing a poignant new song – chameleon – which will be released on May 3.

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Taciana Ait Tahar He is an artist currently studying at Beaux-Arts de Paris but also passed the Courtagemé in 2020 in the Department of Art and Image under the supervision of JR. She had contributed to a project Tokyo Palace So far, so good Above all, she implemented a visual project close to video games, called Uber Life – which was shown in an exhibition Hangar 104. It was a very relevant project, inspired by his own vision of his daily life and that of his colleagues at Uber Eats over the course of four years. This Friday she tells us about her amazing photography project, The kids turned out fineIt presents a series of films and digital photos, in addition to a documentary that highlights children from slums Moro da Providencia in Brazil.

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I started from this observation: “In large humanitarian organizations and on social networks, so-called ‘disadvantaged’ children are often represented in a stereotypical way to arouse sympathy among onlookers. This project aims to break these codes and not confine these children within these pre-defined parameters. The aim is to show viewers that they Much more than just “disadvantaged” children, the project highlights their authentic personalities and personalities and presents their faces in the same way as any other child, because they are not objects of sympathy. The aim is to challenge the norms often associated with humanitarian campaigns that use children to generate sympathy, often bordering on the concept of savior the White. “ She brought her team back this Friday to explain to us her 1,000 projects and her very personal artistic sensibility, which is very helpful. This exhibition can be found on May 2 at 139 Rue Temple in Paris.

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