The model spoke about a skin care method that helps her overcome perioral dermatitis

The model spoke about a skin care method that helps her overcome perioral dermatitis

In 2020, Hailey Bieber first announced her diagnosis of perioral dermatitis. But the model recently showed herself without filters or makeup in a TikTok video, showing off quite the splash.

Perioral dermatitis: what is it?

So, what are the characteristics of this disease that a 27-year-old American man suffers from? Perioral dermatitis is a benign red skin rash that can cause inflammatory papules, pustules, or even scaly patches around the mouth and chin. Most often it affects women aged 20 to 45 years. According to the model, this is “acne-like disorder or rosacea” Although the causes of perioral dermatitis are unknown, exposure to corticosteroids applied to the skin, use of water or toothpaste containing fluoride, or both are considered risk factors. In her video, Hailey Bieber confesses to her community: “I wanted to talk about perioral dermatitis because I have suffered from it since I was 19 or 20 years old. And I know a lot of other people have this problem and struggle with it too, so I wanted to share what I use when I have a flare-up.” Both of these treatments are available by prescription.

Possible treatment methods: antibiotic.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis (…)

Read more on the Top Santé website.

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