Simple steps to avoid intrusion

Simple steps to avoid intrusion

The editors advise you

The tiger mosquito has colonized Charente and action plans are primarily targeting individuals. Information campaigns carried out by municipalities essentially focus on simple actions to avoid the spread. Let’s start by eliminating stagnant water in the gardens.

Be prepared to avoid insecticides

Otherwise, residents risk becoming the first victims. The tiger mosquito, a voracious 5 mm, attacking in broad daylight, “competent” to 26 viruses and capable of living up to three to four months, hardly moves more than one hundred and fifty meters around its birthplace.

In addition to preventative measures, there are biological controls: the introduction of predators such as fish, amphibians, dragonflies, copepods (small crustaceans), and antilarvae. There are also films for protecting the surfaces of water collectors in gardens. With the key idea: waiting will be more effective than insecticides.

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