TUBERCULOSIS: a test that could detect millions of cases of infection

TUBERCULOSIS: a test that could detect millions of cases of infection

Researchers note that tuberculosis “causes” 10 million cases of the disease and is the world’s deadliest infectious disease, killing more than a million people each year. In collaboration with experts from around the world, these biologists and pulmonologists from the University of Southampton have just carried out the most detailed analysis of markers of bacterial infection in blood ever undertaken. In summary, this groundbreaking study identifies a group of biological markers present at high levels in infectious patients.

Lead author Dr Hannah Schiff, a Southampton pulmonologist, reminds us that “more than a third of infected people are undiagnosed and remain infectious.” Tuberculosis is spread by inhaling tiny droplets produced when infected people cough or sneeze, and although it primarily affects the lungs, it can affect any part of the body.

Reduce silent transmission

Studying uses a new proteomics technique that identified initially 118 proteins in the blood of participants with active tuberculosis in Africa and South America that varied significantly between participants with tuberculosis, healthy participants, and participants with other respiratory diseases. This selection was then narrowed down to a set of 6 proteins that form an extremely precise and distinctive signature to identify tuberculosis.

  • The result of the analysis was a completely new option for diagnosing the disease:

a simple test that detects signs of disease in the blood.

These findings improve the plan of action to prevent the spread of the disease, and the next research is now focused on developing a test that can be used to identify the millions of people who are unknowingly transmitting tuberculosis.

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