Rugby: noise from cleats at UCF

Rugby: noise from cleats at UCF

A successful lottery

Many prizes were at stake and the many players were attentive until late at night. The lucky ones left with their arms full and the big winner got vouchers worth a thousand euros in local shops.


Third phase of the Groupama Federal Challenge, in play at X, for under 14s organized this Saturday by the Entente Bagnères Baronnies. The third thief in this field of the second day will be Saint-Lary.

Two trophies for Louise

The only female representative of UCF in the CD 31 selection, the young champion (under 15) returned from the Marcel Batigne tournament with two rewards: the shield promised to the winners and… a beautiful rooster.

Three for U16 and U19

After good qualifications, the Portes du Comminges teams were in Cugnaux for the seven finals. In front of more seasoned opponents, a dry and serious result: last place and no victory for either of them. But we know, in rugby this equates to a very symbolic trophy, the wooden spoon.

Armin and Rainer celebrated

A barbecue evening gathered UCF in Camille-Roques to thank and greet the Jonker brothers before they returned to the rainbow nation. Many emotions during their (short) speeches and presentation of gifts. Before taking the plane, they still had one thing to do, attend the Stade Toulousain match against Exeter. A relevant choice given the show on offer that day.

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