Luc-la-Primaube.  Essential and effective teachers and volunteers at LSA XV

Luc-la-Primaube. Essential and effective teachers and volunteers at LSA XV

When around 100 kids from the rugby school Lévézou Ségala Aveyron XV travel to Villefranche-de-Rouergue for the ward council tournament, you need a solid organization to manage and coordinate all of this. Thanks to the teachers, volunteers and all the parents who lend a hand, LSA home. A spirit of sharing and community drives this team. It is especially illustrated at the dinner meal, where all the adults gather the food and drink brought at their own expense, to form a table worthy of Gargantua’s meals. Well done and thanks to all these volunteers who invest so much so that all these young LSA XV graduates can practice their favorite sport in the best conditions.

Hi, I’m laayouni2023