The big social media wellness trend

The big social media wellness trend

DIn a world where the stress and pressures of everyday life are ubiquitous, the search for well-being has become a universal pursuit. Instagram, with its millions of users, aims to be a true hub for the wellness community. So home workouts, outdoor fitness routines and expert exercise tips are becoming increasingly popular. Among these sites that invite you to work hard to have a perfect body, we find Fatim Gaghaz aka Fatim, TheFireclub on Instagram. This gym teacher and founder of “The Fire Club” shares exercises you can do at home to feel good in your body and mind. But she is not the only one in this field. The home fitness showcase is also monopolized by yogis like @Scally_twins (43.7K), @Zainaaguenaou (140K), @Kenzotravel (58.5K) and @RitaNassiri (54K), to name a few. Fit girls and boys are not left out. Among them we find @Mambahfit (1.2 million followers) who shares with his community his infectious good humor, his balanced meals and exercises to do at home to have the perfect body. @Safiaberrada (85.6k), @Zineb.bouzoubaa (93.3K) or even @Amine_hls (563K) and his wife @Sofiab_hls (548K) advocate a healthy lifestyle. But if sport is one of the trends that stands out, nutrition also plays a key role in overall well-being. Many nutritionists, dietitians or simple healthy cooking enthusiasts share their advice on the networks. Among them, @Salmalifestyle (86.6K), @Salmaibnkhayat (101K), @mayouebnourished (17K) or even @Oyas_sauce_caliente (31.3K), a young Moroccan couple from Hong Kong who started sharing their healthy recipes during Covid. But what would the pursuit of well-being be without a healthy spirit? Mental health has become a topic of conversation and exchange on Instagram, with many accounts making it their hobby horse, advocating mindful meditation and stress management. Goal ? Break taboos and raise awareness of mental health issues. This domain is highlighted by @Moundir.Zniber (175K), @youneslahiaoui (17.6K), @mohamed.elmanjra (418K) or even @linabensaid_coach (20.9K followers). This influencer presents herself as a specialist in self-confidence and managing emotions, and on her page she covers the topics of anxiety, the concept of balance and how to learn to say no.

Increased search for balance

The rise of the wellness trend on Instagram is having a significant cultural and social impact. “Social networks are essential in communication today. And the order for happiness and prosperity is omnipresent”points out psychologist Zouhra Galta. “Influencers are constantly telling their stories and people who consult their social networks see them scrolling, showing their well-being and their recipes for well-being. Gradually, the suggestion becomes a command: become beautiful, become desirable…”, she adds. Social networks are two-fold in this regard. “Following an influencer means choosing him/her, consciously or unconsciously, as a mentor. The person tries to look like him, that is, to look like the selected image that he transmits on social networks. She will project herself into this image,” she explains before continuing, “In that sense, yes, we can say that RS educates. They help build the identity and life projects of the person who will rely on the advice of the influencer they have chosen.”. Therefore, users are exposed to a variety of practices and tips that they can integrate into their lives, thereby participating in a widespread culture of well-being. “We are moving towards a welfare dictatorship with constant exposure of the pseudo welfare of others continuously displayed on the news feed”, supports the psychologist. Instagram thus contributes to the creation of the complex. Obsession with a perfect body image can sometimes lead to unhealthy behaviors and eating disorders. In addition, the constant pressure to achieve idealized standards of beauty can negatively affect self-esteem. “The ban on well-being, social and personal success will really create complexes. As a psychologist, I observe toxic comparison movements in some of my patients. Continuous exposure to the happiness of others coupled with orders to do the same will create psychological suffering associated with narcissistic fragility that will widen the abyss of self-esteem and consequently an active search for ‘ego’ repair., explains the specialist. Likes and shares are a form of validation to confirm group membership. “RS, by definition, confirms membership in the group. It is a network: a communication system, social: between different people”, recalls Zouhr Galt. All in all, SR enables the segmentation of groups according to certain specificities and their legitimation in a collective identity that confirms their membership in the group. Despite these negatives, wellness on Instagram also offers countless opportunities. It helps build supportive communities, share valuable resources, and promote healthy lifestyles.

Beauty and health standards are evolving, with increasing recognition of body diversity and individual wellness needs. Instagram is helping to reshape social norms by promoting self-acceptance and body kindness. In this sense, social media creates supportive communities where users can share their wellness experiences, challenges and successes. All this promotes a sense of belonging and solidarity, thereby strengthening social bonds within society.

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