Aneurysm rupture: Women are at greater risk than men

Aneurysm rupture: Women are at greater risk than men

Women are more at risk of aneurysm rupture than men, but pregnancy does not pose an additional risk, the neurosurgeon said.

“An aneurysm is an enlargement of an artery, a part of the artery wall that is more fragile, less strong and looks like a little balloon on the artery. […] There is a hemodynamic element: if the pressure increases too much, there is a greater risk of aneurysm rupture, so when an aneurysm ruptures inside the brain, it obviously causes hemorrhage, as D explained.R Georges L’Esperance, neurosurgeon.

So one in 10,000 people may have an unruptured aneurysm and most never realize it, the doctor said, adding, however, that 30 to 40% of patients with a ruptured aneurysm die in the next month.

Among patients who survive a ruptured aneurysm, 50% are left with serious consequences and are unable to resume their normal activities.

If the rate of aneurysm rupture is two women for every man, pregnant women are not at greater risk, says a neurosurgeon.

“For patients with exacerbations of hypertension, the risk increases because high blood pressure is a factor in aneurysm rupture,” he continued.

Signs include severe headaches.

“Generally speaking, the signs are of a ruptured aneurysm. [sic] with a severe headache, a headache like the patient’s is not observed[en] never felt it before. Obviously, he could lose consciousness, he could have a serious neurological disorder such as hemiplegia, he could go into a coma, etc.,” Mr. L’Esperance detailed.

If an aneurysm ruptures, there are two treatment options. The first, used primarily until the 80s and 90s, is a surgical procedure. The neurosurgeon opens the skull to reach the aneurysm and places a clamp at its base to stop the bleeding.

For about 30 years, doctors have preferred to use the endovascular route, that is, inserting a catheter with a small balloon into the aneurysm to stop bleeding.

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