Runa, a new JRPG coming to Nintendo Switch (or next console)
Sciences et technologies

Runa, a new JRPG coming to Nintendo Switch (or next console)

Rune, the next Kickstarter hit game, is set to come to Nintendo hardware in the future. The campaign quickly exceeded its fundraising target of €45,000 and currently stands at over €185,000. No consoles are included in the additional targets, but it appears the team is already looking at other platforms for the future.

Fennec Studio will primarily focus on PC. However, the developer is quick to point out that the game is “also designed to be played on consoles and can be played with a controller.” The goal is to release the game on a Nintendo console in the future, but what that means is unclear. The Nintendo Switch is included as a logo on Kickstarter, but Fennec Studio may opt to release on the brand’s next console instead. In addition, the game will be translated into French after release.

Runa is an adventure game inspired by modern and classic JRPGs, with turn-based combat, social connections, and a rich sci-fi world. Promising to preserve what makes classic JRPGs fun, Runa also offers rudimentary puzzles and base building, as well as mini-games like farming, fishing and cooking. Rune takes place in a world where runes symbolize the technological achievements of an ancient civilization. The use of runes is necessary both for home use and for combat. Only certain people, known as Adepts, are able to fully control them and unlock their true powers.

  • Explore a huge world: The World of Rune is a colorful and vibrant fantasy world, but at the same time full of mysteries and science fiction elements. Follow the journeyabout a group of adventurers who, driven by their own unique motivations, travel the world and uncover all its hidden secrets.
  • Experience Turn-Based Combat: Elemental Destruction System is a combat system inspired by classic JRPGs: turn-based combat with streamlined turns, elemental affinity, and a strategic approach. With 4 active members and a total of 7 party members who can be swapped at any time (no extra moves), group ultimatums and lots of powerful skills!
  • Relationships and Romance: Meet different characters individually to strengthen your relationship with them. If you’re trying to find that special someone in the world of Rune, you’ll have over 15 romance options, including same-sex relationships.
  • Solve Elemental Puzzles: Solve a variety of elemental puzzles with 7 different elements and 12 elemental skills at your disposal. Solve dynamic puzzles in the world and cities, and navigate dungeons built around unique puzzle combinations.
  • Base Building and Mini-Games: Build your own base in the city of Enith by creating and upgrading buildings according to your preferences. Recruitment of certain peoplecharacters or completing important quests unlock the creation of certain buildings, in particular: Residences, dining hall, dojo, laboratory, farm, rune research center, antique store, etc. picT X37ZU4%3D BaH dWoqC%2FY%3D Nb Q%2FcB5HCkxNws%3D utfi J 4M%3D kIo 5 rRK%2BGHc%3D bye %3 D P5C3SiY%3D 1 G56PlyWW9Yw%3D OKtZVESL08o%3D

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