In the US, four zebras are roaming a highway after escaping from a trailer.
Sciences et technologies

In the US, four zebras are roaming a highway after escaping from a trailer.

Zebras have escaped from their trailers and roamed between cars in the northwestern United States.
@jonerick1/Instagram Zebras have escaped from their trailers and roamed between cars in the northwestern United States.


Zebras have escaped from their trailers and roamed between cars in the northwestern United States.

UNUSUAL – Who started this part Jumanji ? Motorists crossing a highway in Washington state in the US on Sunday April 28 could not have expected to encounter such a situation. They actually came face to face with zebras walking between the cars. Three animals have been captured, but one is still roaming the American countryside.

According to the explanation given by the police USA today, The driver of the van, which was carrying four zebras (two females, one male and one juvenile), actually stopped along the route to make sure everything was okay with the trailer. When he opened the door, the animals took the opportunity to escape and ran onto the highway.

“Zebras in North Bend have gone viral, so here’s the video. »

“There are four zebras on the loose in North Bend, Washington. »

The animals went to a horse pasture, where the field owner, authorities and regional livestock specialists managed to obtain three of the four zebras. “No one was injured in the incident and the three animals captured appear to be in good health.”– explains the representative of the animal services USA today.

But the male is still on the run. The couple saw him early in the afternoon on Monday 29 April and tried to lure him into their garden with bread. The approaching animal got scared and ran into the forest.

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