Jeffrey Hayes, The Bear Who Took His Time (Flammarion jeunesse)
Sciences et technologies

Jeffrey Hayes, The Bear Who Took His Time (Flammarion jeunesse)

Reflections. What a great idea, this is a reissue of an album released in the US in the 1970s. It begins under the auspices of Erasmus: “He who knows the art of living with himself does not know boredom. » With his nose to the wind and a light heart, the walking bear enjoys every moment that life has in store for him. He enjoys getting lost, listening to silence, talking to the river, feeling the rain, or even just doing nothing. Moments for yourself can be found everywhere: outside, in the icy winter wind, or at home, in your favorite nook under the stairs. This gentle sequence of poetic fragments celebrates slowness and calm. The contemplative brackets are illustrated with small paintings that are as subtle as they are delicate. Real book for good mood miniature!

Jeffrey Hayes
The teddy bear who liked to take his time
Flammarion youth
Edition: North Carolina
Price: 12.50 euros; 32 pp.
ISBN: 9782080444486

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