The fountains of Toulouse are painted red, we explain why

The fountains of Toulouse are painted red, we explain why

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Fountains Toulouse are going blush. To raise awareness among the general public about bladder cancer, urologists in the Pink City decided to perform a shock operation: during May 2024, several fountains of Toulouse will have a red tint.

5000 deaths every year in France

THAT bladder month is actually taking place in May 2024. For Toulouse urologists, this is an opportunity to raise awareness of this cancer that affects from 13,000 to 20,000 people per year in France and causes 5,000 deaths per year. This is one of the types of cancer with the worst prognosis.

Too little known to the general public, bladder cancer is a real public health problem. It is extremely important to educate the general public about the warning signs. Bladder cancer is benefiting from new therapeutic and diagnostic advances that offer great hope for the future of our patients.

Dr. Benjamin PraderUrologist at the UROSUD center of the La Croix du Sud clinic

Blood in urine, anxiety

However, it is quite easy to detect: one of the first symptoms is the presence of visible blood in the urine. This is where the idea came from to paint the fountains of Toulouse red to warn the general public about these traces of blood.

This communication operation affected the fountains at Place Wilson, de la Trinite, Dupuy, Puy-Clos, du Grand-Rhône and the Palais de Justice. Stickers with a QR code placed nearby will provide access to a special website.

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