Eta Aquarids: This exceptional shower of shooting stars will be visible in France this weekend.
Sciences et technologies

Eta Aquarids: This exceptional shower of shooting stars will be visible in France this weekend.

The Eta Aquarids, which already lit up the sky in May 2023, will be visible again this spring.
This year the observation conditions are especially optimal.
Peak activity is expected from May 4 to May 6.

They will bring stars into your eyes. This Eta Aquarids meteor shower has been in full activity since April 15 and could be one of the most powerful in a century. In France, meteorites will peak this weekend, May 4-6. An opportunity to discover this breathtaking celestial spectacle.

An unprecedented year

Recall that twice a year the Earth collides with a cloud of meteors emanating from the debris of Halley’s comet. Debris that gives rise to two famous “meteor showers”. In October it’s the Orionids. And in the spring the rain is called Eta Aquarides. Each time they allow you to see many more shooting stars than on other nights. Only this year the show is set to be even more incredible. Research published in Astronomy and astrophysics Particularly intense rain was forecast for 2020, with higher than normal meteorite rates.

As the swarm develops, the activity in the sky becomes increasingly impressive, reaching 20-30 meteors per hour at its peak. This year, peak activity is expected from May 4 to 6, making this weekend the perfect time to look at the sky. If this is one of the most visible phenomena in the southern hemisphere, observers located as far as the 40th parallel north latitude will also be able to enjoy the cosmic spectacle. Moreover, this year the weather conditions will be very favorable. As noted by a specialized magazine Sciences and life, The moon is waning, the night will be especially dark. A darkness that will make even the faintest meteors visible.

  • Read also

    Shooting star shower: where and how to observe the Eta Aquarids?

To best experience the spectacle, you don’t need binoculars, a spotting scope, or a telescope. Just a good dose of patience. You need to find a dark place, away from light pollution, and wait about ten minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. And to make sure you’re looking in the right direction, look towards the constellation Aquarius.


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