After years, Counter Strike 2 has finally added this very useful feature to the 10% of players that you can be a part of.
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After years, Counter Strike 2 has finally added this very useful feature to the 10% of players that you can be a part of.

Game news After years, Counter Strike 2 has finally added this very useful feature to the 10% of players that you can be a part of.


Late last week, Valve released an update to its competitive shooter Counter Strike 2. An update that doesn’t change the content, but allows certain players to overcome possible obstacles… related to their hands.

Counter Strike 2: Change, especially in form

You may not know this, but this is Counter Strike 2, released at the end of September. It continues Counter Strike: Global Offensive’s ten years of undisputed dominance in the world of competitive first-person shooters. A change of façade that hardly changes the essence of the gameplay. Something we feel after playing CS 2 for several hours: the controls remain the same as in CS: GO or Counter Strike: Source. However, we regret the absence of iconic first-person shooter modes such as gunplay.

As we mentioned in our test published on release day, what mainly stands out is the graphical redesign. A treat for the eyes of neophytes, which is noticeable, especially since it has a functional purpose for ordinary players. In fact, it is, for example, the behavior of smoke from smoke bombs that reacts to bullet shots.. It is enough to complicate certain battles and add a certain level of tactics for amateur players. Valve adds new features from time to time, as they did earlier this week. And again, this only applies to some players.

Counter Strike 2: Switch weapons left

And yes, not all video game players are right-handed. This observation can be made even for the world population. According to various censuses, there are 9 right-handers for every left-handed person. If we translate this ratio to Counter Strike fans; Therefore, the latest update was made for those 10% who prefer to play left-handed. In the latest news, which can be seen on the game’s page on Steam, we can read :

The first new feature concerns subjective review: you can now determine which hand is holding your weapon (left or right) in the settings. You can also change your dominant hand in the middle of the pen using the appropriate keyboard shortcut (H by default on AZERTY/QWERTY keyboards).

Other changes include a redesigned magazine (including a minimum money reward at the end of the round) or even grenade-specific targeting reticles. Be careful not to overdo these changes; they’ve already arrived at the studio. ban players who moved the mouse too quickly.

About Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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