Health: Processed Foods: It’s Even Worse Than We Think

Health: Processed Foods: It’s Even Worse Than We Think

According to a German magazine Focus, every second product sold commercially is now considered a “UPF,” or “highly processed food.” These ultra-processed foods have undergone significant transformation through industrial processes and often contain a variety of ingredients, including additives, flavors and preservatives.

Typically these include ready-to-eat foods, fast food, frozen meals, snacks, soda and sweets. These foods tend to be high in energy but low in nutrients and fiber.

Examples: prepared meals (frozen pizzas, ready-made soups), fast food (burgers, fries, chicken nuggets), cereals and cereal bars, carbonated and other sweet drinks, chips and aperitif cookies (tortilla chips, popcorn), instant pasta cooking, sweets. (chocolate bars, bears), cookies, cakes and pastries, cold cuts and meat substitutes, prepared sauces and dressings, frozen meals, energy and sports drinks.

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