Tiger mosquito: a pensioner from Gers, who lacks solutions, is faced with the spread of the pest on neighboring land

Tiger mosquito: a pensioner from Gers, who lacks solutions, is faced with the spread of the pest on neighboring land

The most important
The infestation of Gers by tiger mosquitoes is not new. But for several years now, despite all possible precautions, Michel, a pensioner from Oscitane, has had a difficult time when good weather returns. Certificate.

Although its presence has been proven since 2008 in Occitania, this year the tiger mosquito is subject to “intensified surveillance” by health authorities from May 1 to November 30. The insect’s ability to transmit viral diseases is questionable. Chikungunya, dengue, Zika…

“Preventing its spread is an important issue in preventing the occurrence of epidemics, as well as in monitoring the diseases that it can transmit,” emphasizes ARS Occitanie.

Apart from the health aspect, the “tiger” and mosquitoes in general are responsible for causing trouble. Although the Gers, like all other departments in the region, is colonized, there are a few “good reflexes” to keep them out of your garden. (see also box below).

“One day we didn’t get to eat on the street”

But sometimes all these efforts can be undone if by chance a neighbor does not play the game. An Oscitan has had bitter experience of this for several years now when the good weather returns.

Set in the area served by Chemin des Baron, where, among other things, the Pardayan high school is located, Michel* finds himself without a solution to the problem of this pest.

The standing water in the ditch behind the social housing on Chemin des Barons is a haven for mosquitoes.
The standing water in the ditch behind the social housing on the Chemin des Barons is a haven for mosquitoes.
Photo courtesy

It’s all because of the ditch, which “retains rainwater and mosquitoes 8 months a year,” the pensioner gritted his teeth. It is located a few meters from his garden, on land managed by the Gers Office of Housing (OPH).

A few years ago, a social landlord built a housing complex there. The project, which created 22 social housing units, was also the starting point for Michel’s troubles.

No answer

During construction they were planing the hill […] but they forgot that rainwater will accumulate,” worries Ausciten. From his garden this Friday, May 3, one can actually see a moat filled with standing water. A real paradise for mosquitoes.

“Before there weren’t many mosquitoes, but with repellents we could eat outside and be active in the garden. For 2-3 years we were captured,” the pensioner irritates. “Last summer was the worst, we weren’t able to eat outside even once,” he continues, without losing his composure.

So Michel tried to get closer to OPH 32 so that a system could be installed to allow the water to flow. Two letters were sent to the social landlord… but remained unanswered, says Osaiten.

La Dépêche du Midi was unable to contact the organization this Friday, May 3. While waiting for a decision, and after the first heat and storms in April, Michel had already started counting the bites.

Name changed

Osh Town Hall: “shot” as a reminder of good reflexes that need to be adopted

On its website, as well as in the city through an information campaign on information panels, the city of Osh reminds about the good reflexes that need to be developed to limit the spread and development of mosquitoes.

Start by “emptying all containers once a week (cups, pet bowls, garden decorations, etc.) to avoid standing water” after rain. But also keep away from the rain: buckets and watering cans, garbage cans, toys… The municipality also invites its citizens to keep decorative ponds, manholes and watering holes in order… Or even clean gutters, gutters and other drains. “facilitate the flow of water.”

The tiger mosquito uses the slightest water retention to lay eggs, which become adults within 1–2 weeks. However, an adult insect moves a distance of 30 to 150 meters around its birth site.

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