Why do you need to wash new clothes?

Why do you need to wash new clothes?

New clothing may contain substances that you do not want to stick to your skin.

Regardless of the origin of the clothes you just bought, be sure to put them in the washing machine before wearing them for the first time. It probably contains substances that you don’t want to stick to your skin.

Chemical substances. Ready-to-wear manufacturers use a variety of chemicals to produce and then process their products to improve flexibility or reduce wrinkles. For example, many new clothes contain volatile organic compounds. The latter are pollutants considered carcinogenic. This is especially true for acetaldehyde.

A Swedish study found that synthetic clothing, especially polyester, often contains quinoline. This substance is used to dye clothes. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency has classified it as potentially carcinogenic. And most cases of allergic contact dermatitis caused by clothing are caused by dye residue.

Organic substances. New clothes are also a breeding ground for many pathogens. From their production to their display in the store, many people touch them. Which can unwittingly leave bacteria, fungi or even viruses on the fabric. These clothes could also be tried on by many other customers before purchasing.

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