BBH – Metz: a “final”, in more ways than one

BBH – Metz: a “final”, in more ways than one

“We’re not going to lie there, it’s the most important game of the season.” Like Coralie Lassource, there is no need to remind the Brestoises of the challenges in the meeting that awaits them against Metz. With a win in advance, Pablo Morel’s players will be (almost) certain to be crowned at the end of the season, the last three days (against Saint-Maur, dead last, Chambray, 5th and Besançon, 8th) the reach of a group who are still unbeaten in the championship and who want to remain so until the end.

* Jaukovic, Barbosa, Kouyaté, Carlson, Mauny, Toublanc, Maslova, Darleux, Foggea…

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