all doctors invest in continuing education

all doctors invest in continuing education

Apart from life-threatening emergencies, it is recommended that you first consult your family doctor. He will conduct an initial diagnosis and decide whether your health condition requires emergency care.

As a reminder:

– The speed of emergency assistance depends on the severity of the case, not on the order of arrival.

– The visit and assistance provided are not free. They will receive an invoice sent to their home.

-The only exception is: you have been admitted to the department within the previous 7 days and your question concerns your treatment (adverse development, medication side effects, problems with a prescription, etc.).

Extended Continuing Education

All existing physicians are committed to continuing education. As explained by Dr. Swerts, head of the emergency department at CHC Hermalle and Heusy, this training is carried out in three areas: transfer of international literature, simulation seminars organized by Nicolas Hansruhl, head emergency nurse at Heusy, and privileged contacts. is currently being developed using various references in the field. “So even if they are not all physicians trained in emergency medicine, they have the skills needed to handle common clinical situations. The most difficult situations will be resolved together with specialized medical resources. The facilities provided for lifelong learning will enable them to constantly improve their skills in order to be fully effective in the situations they encounter or to meet the demands of this rich and varied practice for the benefit of patients who maintain their confidence,” emphasizes Frederik Swerts


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