Comedian Nicole Ferrone carries the torch to Marseille

Comedian Nicole Ferrone carries the torch to Marseille

Actress, comedian, radio and TV columnist…and athlete. Nicole Ferrone is a jack of all trades. On the morning of Thursday, May 9, 2024, like many other celebrities, Obanez will participate in the Olympic torch relay in Marseille. It will be between Borelli Park and Palazzo do Faro. A route just over 6 km long, between 9:20am and 11am. “My current fears are not waking up and arriving late to the meeting place.”Actress jokes.

” why me ? “

In February, the city council contacted her to participate in this event. “ You might be wondering why me? This is definitely because of my amazing sports career (He laughs) . More importantly, I think it has to do with a show called Marseille, plural, She played in several places in the city, most notably at Tadamoni fast food restaurant in the northern neighbourhoods. I tell the history of the city and its Greek roots… and the mayor, Benoît Payen, saw it. Perhaps this is what prompted him to contact me…”

” Honoring “

Nicole Ferrone says to herself “Impatient” To carry the torch. this ” honor “, Says. “It’s a nice bonus for the little girl I was. I swam a lot during my youth at the Tournesols d’Aubagne pool. Not at a high level, except once when I competed in a national championship. I swam with a boy I met again after that… and he Alain Bernard, who became a double Olympic champion!

For the actress, participating in the relay is also important ” Honoring “ To all teachers who supervise children in clubs.

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