Who is John Ternus, the one who could take the reins of Apple after Tim Cook
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Who is John Ternus, the one who could take the reins of Apple after Tim Cook

While Tim Cook could soon pass the torch, John Ternus is positioned as the favorite to take the reins, according to Mark Gurman. Let’s take a look at his journey.

John Ternus // Source: Apple

After succeeding Steve Jobs, Tim Cook took Apple to unprecedented heights. Under his leadership, Apple not only survived; The American group has flourished, even overtaking giants such as Samsung in the smartphone sector. Thanks to the iPhone, the US firm has achieved an astronomical market capitalization, making it one of the most valuable companies in the world.

However, despite these successes, the Tim Cook era has also experienced disappointments, especially in the innovation of new flagship products. The Apple Car, an attempt to revolutionize transportation, has been abandoned, and the Vision Pro, which was supposed to redefine personal computing, is struggling to establish itself.

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Apple Vision Pro Android 2023

Additionally, while Apple’s service revenues have increased significantly, further enriching the company’s offering, there is a conspicuous lack of a revolutionary new product comparable to the iPhone.

Mark Gurman discusses John Ternus

The information that mentions the name John Ternus, a potential contender to replace Tim Cook at the head of Apple, does not come from an obscure or unidentified source, but from Mark Gurman.

Mark Gurman, known for his accurate and in-depth coverage of Apple, is a dedicated journalist working for Bloomberg. His reputation as a reliable man was built on a series of sensational news stories that often turned out to be accurate, making his revelations especially credible.

Who is John Ternus?

John Ternus may well be the one to pick up the torch. He may not be a household name, but he’s a star at Apple. An engineer by training, John Ternus played a key role in several major innovations at Apple, especially in the area of ​​hardware.

John Ternus // Source: Apple

John Ternus represents both continuity and change. He did not work directly with Steve Jobs, but grew up professionally in the ecosystem that Steve Jobs and Tim Cook cultivated.

It’s important to note that John Ternus also has the support of Eddie Cue, the seasoned veteran who heads Apple’s support services. Additionally, for the first time this year, at a meeting where Apple’s senior executives are briefed on the company’s technology roadmap, John Ternus gave an A to Z presentation.

John Ternus // Source: Apple

At the age of 50, he could bring new energy to Apple projects while maintaining the original spirit of the company. If he does take over Apple, he will inherit not only a hugely successful company, but also significant problems.

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