Oney-le-Chateau.  City Hall launches information campaign

Oney-le-Chateau. City Hall launches information campaign

The mayor’s office is launching an information campaign on what actions can be taken to limit the spread of the tiger mosquito. This campaign will be more focused on Coste Rouge, Saint-Pau and Parc du Levant, following requests from residents once the weather improves.

Get to know it: silent and diurnal, it bites harder during the day, it is black and white striped, and measures less than 0.5 cm.

Its environment: It adapts and uses many empty containers in which to lay its eggs. it is a vector virus. Deprived of access to water, the tiger mosquito does not reproduce.

Protect yourself: Wear long, loose, light-colored clothing and use skin repellent and mosquito nets.

Use fauna and flora as allies: you can install birdhouses for swallows or bats, they love these insects and do not harm our habitat. You can also set traps (vacuum trap or nest trap).

Finally, how do I know if I’ve been bitten? An itching sensation that gets worse after a few minutes: the pimple is usually hard, hot and painful, lighter than the skin, with a red halo around it.

The city is also getting involved, and its green and natural areas department will soon set up traps in public areas.

Any additional information: City Hall website, or #stopmustique.

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