Cycling: an expected finale of the Tour de Bretagne on the cobblestones of Dinan

Cycling: an expected finale of the Tour de Bretagne on the cobblestones of Dinan

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Starting from Hingle, the director’s hometown of the Christophe Fossani race, the last stage will cross several villages where it will be possible toencourage the runners : Vildé-Guingalan, Saint-Méloir-des-Bois, Bourseul, the coast of Saint-Aydes, Landébia da the route will go down through Saint-Denoual, Pléven, Plorec for another climb, then Mégrit, Languédias, Trébédan, Yvignac, to Guitté, Plouasne, Tréfumel, Evran and finally go up towards Le Hinglé with the highest coast of the pitch more than 100 metres.

The route for the May 1 stage
The route for the Wednesday 1 May stage of the Tour de Bretagne from Hingle to Dinan (Côtes-d’Armor). ©Tour de Bretagne

The end of the route will be decisive with 5 rounds around the town of Dinan and its toothless streets.

A final stage in apotheosis where everything remains to be decided.

The end of the route with 5 laps around the town of Dinan
The end of the route with 5 laps around the town of Dinan. ©Tour de Bretagne

A grand finale

The finish line will be located in rue Thiers. The ranking will not not yet determined during this last day when everything will remain possible and the leader can still be overthrown depending on the organization. Dinan will be a complicated final since the roads will be winding and hilly. Cyclists will pass along the paved coast between the sub-prefecture and the Cordeliers.

Watch out for city closures

Crossing Dinan will thus be impossible during the arrival of the runners i.e. from 2.15pm and until the end of the race around 5pm.

Traffic is being diverted by RN 176 to reach Rennes, Saint-Malo or Saint-Brieuc. Arrival is on rue Thiers, traffic will be prohibited rue Thiers and Léonce Petit from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

To supervise the arrival, around twenty municipal employees will barricade the city with more than 300 barriers in all and parking will be prohibited in many streets.

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From 30 April at 17.30 until 1 May at 20.30 parking will be prohibited in rue Thiers and on 1 May from From 06:00, parking will be prohibited on rue Thiers, the Thiers car park and rue Léonce Petit. 30.00

Parking prohibited in the afternoon

In the afternoon from From 13:00 to 17:00, parking will also be prohibited on rue du Clos du Hêtre, rue de la Garaye, Place Duclos (in the section between nr. 6 and nr. 12 and in the post office car park). place Maréchal Leclerc, Grand’Rue, rue du Marchix (section between rue de Grâce and place Duclos), place de Galice, boulevard de Lugo, boulevard André Aubert, Pont Martin, route de Dinard, rue des 4 Moulins, rue du Quai, rue du Port, rue du Général de Gaulle, rue Michel, rue Haute-Voie, rue de l’Apport, place des Merciers, place des Cordeliers, rue Chateaubriand and rue du Bas Bourgneuf. Until 20:30, parking will remain prohibited on rue Gambetta, rue Lecomte de Lisle (the section between Place du Maréchal Leclerc and rue du Petit Hôtel), and on the Promenade des Grands Fossés.

Furthermore, the police will be present to ensure arrival: 7 municipal police officers will ensure traffic, in parallel with the police from the national gendarmerie. 28 cyclists from the Republican Guard will manage the smooth running of the running route.

“The road belongs to everyone, including cyclists and all other athletes,” will point out Matthieu Jouneau, Dinan municipal council dedicated to sports.

The race continues at the Dinan social center on rue Gambetta. Contact:

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