This cleansing herb prevents hot flashes and weight fluctuations.  It is a true ally during menopause.

This cleansing herb prevents hot flashes and weight fluctuations. It is a true ally during menopause.

Although menopause is a natural transition in a woman’s life, it is often accompanied by hormonal changes that can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms. Between hot flashes, weight fluctuations and mood swings, to name the most common. While some women choose hormonal treatment, others choose to turn to natural remedies to relieve these symptoms and regain some well-being. Among these natural remedies that provide valuable support during menopause we find a cleansing plant: sage.

What are the benefits of sage during menopause?

Firstly, this herb will help against hot flashes, one of the most common symptoms of menopause, causing sudden sensations of intense heat that can be extremely unpleasant. And it’s no wonder that it has sweat-regulating properties that will help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.

It will also help combat weight fluctuations often associated with menopause. During this period, women experience numerous hormonal shocks that affect metabolism and the distribution of fats in the body. Sage may help stabilize weight by regulating metabolism and promoting healthy digestion.

The same hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause can lead to mood swings and feelings of stress or anxiety. Thanks to its hormone-regulating properties, sage helps balance hormones, stabilize mood, and reduce emotional symptoms associated with menopause.

How to use sage?

There are some simple ways to incorporate sage into your daily routine to reap its benefits during menopause.

It can, for example, be consumed as an infusion. This involves infusing dried sage leaves in hot water for a few minutes and drinking this drink several times a day to restore some hormonal balance.

Sage is also used as an essential oil to gently massage the abdomen and back, and to relieve abdominal cramps and lower back pain also associated with menopause.

In the kitchen, you can add fresh or dried sage leaves to cooked dishes to enjoy their unique flavor and medicinal properties.

Although sage is generally considered safe when consumed in small quantities, it is always recommended to consult a physician before using any herbal remedies.

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